Welcome To Country Cabin Gang
Were so happy you stopped by
What exactly is Country Cabin Gang all about
Were a group of people who love to make new friends,
share ideas and thoughts, and have alot of fun..
So if this sounds like something that peeks your interest
then why not stay a bit and have a look around.
There is always a cup of
hot cocoa waiting for you inside the Cabin !!
Angel Hugs & Teddy Bear Wishes
Tams & Sassy
CCG Founders

The Cabin
We all met not so long ago
In a old cabin in the woods
The roads all covered with snow.
So in the cozy cabin we gathered together
Our favorite beverages in hand
In hopes to muster the weather.
Little did we know the friendships that were to come
As we kept meeting day after day
Gathering in friendship and fun .
Now were all like one big family
Enjoying every minute we can together
Take a peek inside and then you'll see
Just come on in and sit a spell
The next time you happen to pass by
This little Cabin we love so well .
© 2003 Tamatha Perkins Guthrie